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Interactive workshop on “Employability of Erasmus Mundus alumni and new approaches of Erasmus +”

21st and 22nd September 2015

Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague (CULS), Czech Republic

The workshop was the closing event of the ASK Asia project, an Erasmus Mundus Action 3 project facilitated in 6 Asian countries (Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand and Vietnam) aiming to evaluate the competitiveness of Erasmus Mundus alumni in the field of agriculture and related life sciences through the experience of alumni and the expectations of their employers.

The main objectives of the workshop at the closing event were to (i) share lessons learnt and recommendations from the ASK Asia research done in the aforementioned Asian countries, (ii) discuss the results and valuable feedback for EACEA, NAEP, EU and Asian universities, and (iii) plan future activities for all participants and potential projects.

Three focus groups discussions were held on the main issues resulting from the ASK Asia research: i) reintegration and alumni networking, ii) promotion of EM and EU universities, iii) practical training, soft skills, and implementation of European teaching methods.

As a conclusion of the workshops, the workshop attendees declared the desire to transfer to EACEA the following main recommendations on the above-mentioned topics; mainly in order to improve the overall effectiveness of the Erasmus Mundus programme/Erasmus+.

All documents are available here:

Files to be downloaded:

1. ASK Asia summary
2. EACEA presentation
3. SEARCA Scholarship Program and its Graduate Alumni
4. Ensuring the Relevance of Initiatives in Higher Education
5. Erasmus Mundus Lotus experience
6. Erasmus Mundus Wacoma
7. Experience with Alumni DAAD
8. Erasmus Mundus Alumni experience
9. Promotion recommendation from Cambodia RUA
10. Promotion recommendation from Mongolia MULS
11. Promotion of higher education in China NAU
12. Promotion recommendation from Indonesia
13. Promotion recommendation from Thailand
14. International dimension of Erasmus+ 2014-2020 Czech Republic

ASK Asia Regional workshop

ASK Asia Regional workshop was organized on 2-4th February 2015 at Phuket in Thailand. Totally 25 representatives of ASK Asia project partner universities together with consultants participated the workshop. The main objectives of the regional workshop were:

(i) to discuss the draft reports of country reports which includes the results of survey with alumni, employers and group discussion during national workshops;
(ii) to prepare the conclusions and recommendations for the joint report;
(iii) to divide the task and time schedule for the final version of the join study.

“EMPLOYABILITY OF ERASMUS MUNDUS GRADUATES” 2-4 February 2015 at Andaman Embrace Resort & Spa, Phuket, Thailand

The main objective of the regional workshop is to discuss the outputs of the national workshops held in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Mongolia, Thailand and Vietnam. The draft reports of survey with alumni and employers will be compared and prepared for the final version of the join study.

ASK Asia China Workshop at the Nanjing Agricultural University – 11 October 2014

After surveying both Chinese alumni of EU Erasmus Mundus programmes and their Chinese employers, the ASK Asia China Team held a workshop at the Nanjing Agricultural University (in Nanjing - China) to discuss the outcomes and draw conclusion so as to further improve and increase EU-China student & staff mobility.

After an intense workshop, the participants concluded that:

  • There is an increasing interest to go abroad, both from the students’ & the employers’ perspective. The momentum is there, we should seize the moment to increase ex-changes.
  • Alumni and employers describe the advantage of an academic mobility to the EU as receiving an eye into the world; more concrete, the possibility to create a personal network.
  • Alumni indicated the difference between EU and Chinese academic approach and pronounced the suggestion to include more practical experience (practical oriented education) in EU academic programmes.
  • With respect to staff ex-change, an strong emphasis is set on publications and the int’l experience is evaluated upon it.
  • EU institutes must fight against a strong perception that Anglo-Saxon education is better than that of continental Europe. This, mainly due to the promotional efforts in Chain by Anglo-Saxon academic instities.
  • More promotion is needed by EU (institutes) in China on educational possibilities in the EU.

Erasmus Mundus Action 3 Coordinators' Conference

The Erasmus Mundus Action 3 Coordinators' Conference will be held in Brussels on 1 – 2 October 2013. The Coordinators' conference will be an opportunity for exchanging information, networking and getting to know more about the projects and the actors behind. The second day of the Conference will be dedicated to the presentation of the newly selected Action 3 projects in 2013.

ASK Asia project will be represented at the Coordinators' Conference by Jan Banout (Dean of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) and by Didier Pillot (AGREENIUM and Agrinatura).

Workshops on Employability of Erasmus Mundus graduates

Workshops will be hosted:

Cambodia Royal University of Agriculture 14 November
China Nanjing Agricultural University 11 October
Indonesia Tadulako University 30 October
Mongolia Mongolian State University of Agriculture 15 October
Thailand Prince of Songkla University 22 August
Vietnam Hue University 12 November

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